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Section 164 of the General Code talks of the organs of the council: the Council Board and the council Executive. wherein (sub 2) the council board, through its deliberations, and the council executive, through its actions, the examination of matters and the enforcement of resolutions, shall contribute to the administration of the council.

Composition of the City Council Board

Composed of Municipal Councilors elected under the terms and conditions laid down by law. This board is a reflection of the various sociological component of the city.  Most importantly, it ensured representation of the indigenous populations of the city, minorities and gender mainstreaming.

 The council board is the city council’s deliberative organ. It regulates the affairs of the council through Deliberations. It may delegate the exercise of part of its powers to the City Mayor. It is chaired by the City Mayor and in case of unavoidably absent by the Deputy Mayor                    


  1. Budgetary Session: latest date of sitting within a year is 15th of December
  2. Administrative Account Session: latest date of sitting within a year is 15th of March.
  3. Mid-Way Evaluation Session: latest date of sitting within a year is 31st of July.
  4. End of Year Evaluation: latest date of sitting within a year is 5th December,
  5. Extra Ordinary Session: This comes up when need arises and in case of a necessity.

Bamenda City Council board is made up of 33 elected councilors all known as City Councilors, coming from the three Sub Divisional Councils in Bamenda (Bamenda I, Bamenda II and Bamenda III) which are all autonomous bodies, having the same term of office as the elected Mayors (4 years).